
英语听力(2) 本课程是公共基础课,通过2-4学期系统的听力训练,使学生能逐渐熟悉、了解、掌握英语语音语调、连读、爆破、数字、日期、词组、句子等英语听力基本要素,逐渐熟悉了解直至掌握英美国家人士有关日常生活、社会活动等方面的长度逐渐加长的150词-300词左右的英语谈话和一般性题材讲座,语速逐渐加快从每分钟80词到每分钟140词,能够抓住讲话和交谈的中心大意,辨别讲话人的态度和语气,抓住主要细节,能运用基本的听力技巧帮助理解。 每周2学时,理论0.5学时,实训1.5学时。 先修课程:英语听力(1) 后续课程:英语听力(3) 考核方式:百分制 100%(课堂提问、线上线下作业、口语练习和平时考勤记录等,50%;期末考试,50%) English Listening(2) As one of the fundamental subjects, English listening is designed to help students get familiar with some elementary English listening factors, such as: intonation, liaison, loss of plosion, numbers, phrases and sentences via 2-4 semesters’ learning and drills. Students are required to understand the conversations and lectures about daily life and social activities in English at a speed of around 80 words/minute to 140 words/minute gradually with a length of about 150 words to 300 words. Students should learn to get the main idea, the attitude of the speakers’, the major details of the conversations and lectures with the help of note-taking and other listening skills. Class Contact:1.5 hr/week (0.5 hour of theoretical study plus 1.5 hours of practice sessions) Prerequisite Courses: English Listening (1) Follow- up Courses: English Listening (3) Assessment:Total:100% Attendance, in-class participation, online/offline assignments and oral English practice, 50%; final examination, 50%

课程通知 >>更多
  • 2019-2020-2 Week 20 Online Learning Gui... 2020-07-02
  • 2019-2020-2 优慕课学习情况一览 2020-06-27
  • 2019-2020-2 Week 19 Online Learning Gui... 2020-06-27
  • 2019-2020-2 Week 18 Online Learning Gui... 2020-06-17
  • 2019-2020-2 Week 17 Online Learning Gui... 2020-06-10
  • 2019-2020-2 Week 16 Online Learning Gui... 2020-06-03
  • 刘玲发布了新的测试寒假听力打卡小测
  • 刘玲发布了新的调查问卷24国贸4 24-25-2英语听力(2)期初调查问卷
  • 刘玲发布了新的调查问卷24国贸3 24-25-2英语听力(2)期初调查问卷
  • 刘玲发布了新的测试Unit 3 After you watch True or False
  • 刘玲发布了新的测试Unit 3 Video While you watch
  • 刘玲发布了新的测试Unit 4 Video After you watch
  • 刘玲发布了新的测试Unit 4 Video While you watch 2
  • 刘玲发布了新的测试News of Unit 4 Festival
  • 刘玲发布了新的测试Unit 3 Food VOA Special Quiz
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